Re: scsi: ses: Move a label in ses_enclosure_data_process()

From: Markus Elfring
Date: Sat Dec 30 2023 - 08:37:04 EST

>> You probably know some advices from another information source.
> Yes, but it's about using staged deallocation at the end of the
> function instead of in the if loops. That's to *simplify* the exit
> chain and make the error legs less error prone because the teardown
> isn't repeated in if bodies. It has no bearing on what you just tried
> to do.

I got the impression that there is a general conflict involved
according to different programming styles.

>>>                                               If coccinelle
>>> suddenly thinks this is a problem, it's coccinelle that needs
>>> fixing.
>> This software tool can help to point source code places out for
>> further considerations. The search patterns are evolving accordingly.
> The pattern is wrong because kfree(NULL) exists as a teardown simplification.

It might be convenient to view in this way.

If you would dare to follow advice from goto chains in a strict way,
I imagine that you can tend to stress the attention for more useful
data processing a bit more than such a redundant function call.
