Re: [PATCH] kbuild: rust: add `rustupoverride` target

From: Tiago Lam
Date: Fri Dec 15 2023 - 06:18:37 EST

On 14/12/2023 22:22, Miguel Ojeda wrote:
When setting up the Rust support via `rustup`, one may use an override
in order to select the right version of the Rust toolchain.

The current instructions at Documentation/rust/quick-start.rst assume
one is using an in-tree kernel build (i.e. no `O=`) [1]. We would like
to provide also the way to do so for `O=` builds, but ideally in a way
that keeps the one-liner copy-pastable and without duplication [2].

Thus provide a new Make target, `rustupoverride`, that sets it up for
the user given their build options/variables.

Link: [1]
Link: [2]
Signed-off-by: Miguel Ojeda <ojeda@xxxxxxxxxx>

Reviewed-by: Tiago Lam <tiagolam@xxxxxxxxx>