PSA: final vger mailing list migration: Thu, Dec 14, 11AM PST (1900 UTC)

From: Konstantin Ryabitsev
Date: Tue Dec 12 2023 - 16:36:35 EST

Hello, all:

Over the past few months we've migrated all of the mailing
lists, with the exception of the Big One (linux-kernel, aka LKML). This list
alone is responsible for about 80% of all vger mailing list traffic, so we
left it for the last.

This Thursday, December 14, at 11AM Pacific (19:00 UTC), we will switch the MX
record for vger to point to the new location (, which will
complete the mailing list migration from the legacy vger server to the new

# What to expect on the migration day

This is a non-disruptive process and there should be no interruption in
message delivery. However, there will be a period of about an hour when the
archives on will not be updated due to the
backend archive being moved to the new location. Any messages received during
this period will be added to the archive after the move is completed.

# Saying goodbye to majordomo

The most notable change will be the switch away from majordomo to mlmmj's
native subscription mechanism, described here:

Any messages sent to majordomo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx after the migration on Thursday
will generate an automatic bounce explaining what the new process is for
subscribing and unsubscribing.

# What is subspace running?

If you are curious what software is running on subspace, please see this page:

# Questions, comments?

If you have any questions or concerns, please reply to this message.


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