Re: [PATCH] x86/Kconfig: rust: Patchable function Rust compat

From: Martin Rodriguez Reboredo
Date: Mon Dec 11 2023 - 11:23:17 EST

On 12/11/23 13:11, Matthew Maurer wrote:
Sorry, I just realized this was only in a local patch. I hadn't sent
it previously because,
as you pointed out, we currently only support one compiler revision.

I was taking this approach because Android's compilers can have patches
backported onto them when needed, so our 1.73.0 could have this flag
and make use
of it.

Speaking of which, I can't find the flag in upstream Rust (i.e.
outside the LLVM submodule), and I couldn't find a PR adding it. Could
you please add a `Link:` tag to the tracking issue / PR / ... if it is
submitted / when it is submitted? Or am I very confused?
I haven't uploaded it yet. I'm hoping to send it up later today. I can
wait until it's
uploaded for a v2 of the patch series so I can link to it directly.

If you can send the patch then it'll be wonderful, no hurries though.


Re: Martin's comments (unfortunately they aren't on the same email so
I can't reply inline)
would you like me to file an issue against the R4L repository about
this before sending a v2?
I thought that repository was just for staging/discussion, and this
didn't seem likely to need it.

About issues, commits or PRs I was referring to issues in
`rust-lang/rust`. When we use unstable compiler features in R4L they
get tracked in [1].

Link: [1]