Re: [PATCH 3/3] drm/ssd130x: Change "solomon,page-offset" property default value

From: Javier Martinez Canillas
Date: Fri Nov 17 2023 - 03:59:19 EST

Maxime Ripard <mripard@xxxxxxxxxx> writes:

Hello Maxime,

> On Thu, Nov 16, 2023 at 07:07:39PM +0100, Javier Martinez Canillas wrote:
>> This is used to specify the page start address offset of the display RAM.
>> The value is used as offset when setting the page start address with the
>> SSD130X_SET_PAGE_RANGE command, and the driver currently sets its value to
>> 1 if the property is not present in the Device Tree.
>> But the datasheet mentions that the value on reset for the page start is a
>> 0, so it makes more sense to also have 0 as the default value for the page
>> offset if the property is not present.
> I can see the argument, but that's a DT ABI breaking change.

Yes, I know it's a DT ABI breaking change but what I'm trying to argue is
that the DT binding schema isn't correct to start with. Even the RPi DTBO
for this device (which I guess is used by most people with a SSD1306) has
a property to explicitly set this to 0:

ssd1306: oled@3c{
solomon,page-offset = <0>;

>> In fact, using a default value of 1 leads to the display not working when
>> the emulated fbdev is attached to the framebuffer console.
> Could we fix that one instead? What is the issue about, exactly

This is the issue that Sahaj reported:

I can try to figure out how to make the fbcon to work with a page-offset=1
but didn't investigate since thought that 0 is a much better default. Just
like the maximum resolution is the default if no width and height are set.

> Maxime

Best regards,

Javier Martinez Canillas
Core Platforms
Red Hat