Re: [PATCH v5] wifi: brcmfmac: Fix use-after-free bug in brcmf_cfg80211_detach

From: Arend van Spriel
Date: Mon Nov 13 2023 - 04:18:17 EST

On November 8, 2023 4:03:26 AM Zheng Hacker <hackerzheng666@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Arend Van Spriel <arend.vanspriel@xxxxxxxxxxxx> 于2023年11月6日周一 23:48写道:

On November 6, 2023 3:44:53 PM Zheng Hacker <hackerzheng666@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Thanks! I didn't test it for I don't have a device. Very appreciated
if anyone could help with that.

I would volunteer, but it made me dig deep and not sure if there is a
problem to solve here.

brcmf_cfg80211_detach() calls wl_deinit_priv() -> brcmf_abort_scanning() ->
brcmf_notify_escan_complete() which does delete the timer.

What am I missing here?

Thanks four your detailed review. I did see the code and not sure if
would be triggered for sure. So in the first version I want to delete
the pending timer ahead of time.

Why requesting a CVE when you are not sure? Seems a bit hasty to put it mildly.

As I'm not very familiar with the logic here. I'm still not sure if we
should delete the timer_shutdown_sync.
Looking forward to your reply :)

Reading the kerneldoc of timer_shutdown_sync() has the advantage that the timer can not be rearmed by another thread. However, that will only happen when a new scan is initiated in firmware, but the bus is already down so that can not happen. The only improvement (no bug fix!) I see here is to replace timer handling code in brcmf_notify_escan_complete():

- if (timer_pending(&cfg->escan_timeout))
- del_timer_sync(&cfg->escan_timeout);
+ timer_delete_sync(&cfg->escan_timeout);


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