Re: Race between of_iommu_configure() and iommu_probe_device()

From: Robin Murphy
Date: Fri Nov 03 2023 - 12:44:09 EST

On 2023-11-03 12:48 pm, Konrad Dybcio wrote:

On 3.11.2023 12:55, Hector Martin wrote:
I just hit a crash in of_iommu_xlate() -> apple_dart_of_xlate() because
dev->iommu was NULL. of_iommu_xlate() first calls iommu_fwspec_init
which calls dev_iommu_get(), which allocates that member if NULL. That
means it got freed in between, but the only thing that can do that is
dev_iommu_free(), which is called from __iommu_probe_device() in the
error path. That is serialized via a static lock, but not against the
xlate stuff.

I think the specific sequence of events was as follows:

- IOMMU driver has not probed yet
- Device driver tries to probe, and gets deferred via of_iommu_xlate()
-> driver_deferred_probe_check_state() because there are no IOMMU ops yet
- IOMMU driver probes
- IOMMU driver registration triggers device probes
- IOMMU device probe fails, because there is no fwnode/OF data yet (e.g.
apple_dart_probe_device returns ENODEV if dev_iommu_priv_get() returns
NULL, and that is set in apple_dart_of_xlate())
- __iommu_probe_device is in the error exit path, and at this exact
point a parallel device probe is running of_iommu_xlate()
- of_iommu_xlate() calls iommu_fwspec_init(), which ensures dev->iommu
is non-NULL, which at this point it is
- immediately after that, __iommu_probe_device() calls dev_iommu_free()
since it is in the process of erroring out. This frees and sets
dev->iommu to NULL.
- of_iommu_xlate() calls ops->of_xlate()
- apple_dart_of_xlate() calls dev_iommu_priv_set(), which crashes
because dev->iommu is now NULL.

As far as I can tell it's not just the specific driver xlate call
setting priv that's the problem here, but there is one big race between
the entire fwspec codepath (accessing dev->iommu->fwspec) and
__iommu_probe_device() (allocating and freeing dev->iommu).

Thinking about this whole thing is making my brain hurt. Thoughts? How
do we fix this?
FWIW I've been getting inexplicable boot-time crashes that sometimes
spew out a fraction of a log line like:

[x.yyyyyyyy] addr.iommu

on some Qualcomm devices every now and then for quite some time..
Not very common though. Might be this, might be something else..

Sounds likely to all be the same thing as here:

The true solution is to pull the of_xlate step into iommu_probe_device() itself, which I'm working towards, and finally get rid of the horrible "replay" logic which causes no end of problems.
