Re: [PATCH 2/2] phy: mapphone-mdm6600: fix an error code problem in inv_mpu6050_read_raw

From: Su Hui
Date: Sun Oct 22 2023 - 23:29:40 EST

On 2023/10/23 09:33, Su Hui wrote:
On 2023/10/20 23:55, Jonathan Cameron wrote:
I'm not sure why inv_mpu6050_sensor_show() doesn't return
the actual error code from the regmap_bulk_read() and instead replaces it
with -EINVAL.  Given you are tidying up this related issues perhaps change
that as well?

static int inv_mpu6050_sensor_show(struct inv_mpu6050_state *st, int reg,
                   int axis, int *val)
    int ind, result;
    __be16 d;

    ind = (axis - IIO_MOD_X) * 2;
    result = regmap_bulk_read(st->map, reg + ind, &d, sizeof(d));
    if (result)
        return -EINVAL;
//Make this return result;

Sure, I will tidy up this, Thanks for your suggestion!

I'm not sure  whether the caller could handler this  when return 'result' rather than '-EINVAL'.

This is not a big problem, maybe we shouldn't modify this code.

Su Hui