Re: [PATCH] HID: lenovo: Add middleclick_workaround sysfs knob for cptkbd

From: Mikhail Khvainitski
Date: Sat Sep 23 2023 - 19:21:49 EST

So, while I was waiting for the review of the patch, I've come up with
much better idea: we can just autodetect if stock and buggy or
patched and bug-free firmware is used and have no need to introduce
additional sysfs knob. So the patch which implements this follows in
the next message.

While the patch is ready to be merged as is (of course, if there are
no comments from reviewers), I thought about the following: may be we
should add a message to dmesg upon detecting stock and buggy firmware
that user should consider patching the firmware? If so, what is the
best place to put an instruction to? Post a link to dmesg? Can the
link point directly to Dennis' blog or its better to put it somewhere
else (with credits, of course)?
