Re: [PATCH] clk: qcom: clk-rcg2: Fix wrong RCG clock rate for high parent frequencies

From: Devi Priya
Date: Wed Aug 30 2023 - 15:29:44 EST

On 7/21/2023 12:37 AM, Marijn Suijten wrote:
Can you retitle this to state "overflow" rather than just "wrong"?
That's more descriptive.

E.g "Fix clockrate overflow for high parent frequencies"
Sure okay

On 2023-07-20 14:03:04, Devi Priya wrote:
If the parent clock rate is greater than unsigned long max/2 then
integer overflow happens when calculating the clock rate on 32-bit systems.
As RCG2 uses half integer dividers, the clock rate is first being
multiplied by 2 which will overflow the unsigned long max value. So, use
unsigned long long for rate computations to avoid overflow.

Signed-off-by: Devi Priya <quic_devipriy@xxxxxxxxxxx>
drivers/clk/qcom/clk-rcg2.c | 12 ++++++------
1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

diff --git a/drivers/clk/qcom/clk-rcg2.c b/drivers/clk/qcom/clk-rcg2.c
index e22baf3a7112..42d00b134975 100644
--- a/drivers/clk/qcom/clk-rcg2.c
+++ b/drivers/clk/qcom/clk-rcg2.c
@@ -156,18 +156,18 @@ static int clk_rcg2_set_parent(struct clk_hw *hw, u8 index)
* hid_div n
static unsigned long
-calc_rate(unsigned long rate, u32 m, u32 n, u32 mode, u32 hid_div)
+calc_rate(unsigned long parent_rate, u32 m, u32 n, u32 mode, u32 hid_div)
+ u64 rate = parent_rate;
if (hid_div) {
rate *= 2;
- rate /= hid_div + 1;
+ do_div(rate, hid_div + 1);

I'm pretty sure mult_frac() could have solved this as well, without
temporarily going to u64?

mult_frac(rate, 2, hid_div + 1)

Yes, sure will update

if (mode) {
- u64 tmp = rate;
- tmp *= m;
- do_div(tmp, n);
- rate = tmp;
+ rate *= m;
+ do_div(rate, n);

mult_frac(rate, m, n)

Will update in V2

Devi Priya

Or am I totally wrong?

- Marijn

return rate;