Fwd: kvm: Windows Server 2003 VM fails to work on 6.1.44 (works fine on 6.1.43)

From: Bagas Sanjaya
Date: Wed Aug 16 2023 - 05:30:41 EST


I notice a regression report on Bugzilla [1]. Quoting from it:

> Hello,
> I have a virtual machine running the old Windows Server 2003. On kernels 6.1.44 and 6.1.45, the QEMU VNC window stays dark, not switching to any of the guest's video modes and the VM process uses only ~64 MB of RAM of the assigned 2 GB, indefinitely. It's like the VM is paused/halted/stuck before even starting. The process can be killed successfully and then restarted again (with the same result), so it is not deadlocked in kernel or the like.
> Kernel 6.1.43 works fine.
> I have also tried downgrading CPU microcode from 20230808 to 20230719, but that did not help.
> The CPU is AMD Ryzen 5900. I suspect some of the newly added mitigations may be the culprit?

See Bugzilla for the full thread.

Anyway, I'm adding it to regzbot as stable-specific regression:

#regzbot introduced: v6.1.43..v6.1.44 https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=217799
#regzbot title: Windows Server 2003 VM boot hang (only 64MB RAM allocated)


[1]: https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=217799
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