Re: [RFC][PATCH 12/17] x86/cpu: Rename original retbleed return thunk

From: Peter Zijlstra
Date: Mon Aug 14 2023 - 06:35:51 EST

On Sun, Aug 13, 2023 at 04:23:27PM +0100, Andrew.Cooper3@xxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> On 10/08/2023 2:02 pm, Peter Zijlstra wrote:

> > So BTC as a whole is the fact that AMD predicts the type of an
> > instruction and then picks a predictor to predict the target of that
> > instruction, no?
> No.
> "Branch Type Confusion" is the technical name AMD gave last year's
> issue.  Hence the name of the whitepaper about it,

Bah, then what do we call the actual underlying issue that the AMD
branch predictor starts by predicting the next instruction type --
before it has been decoded -- meaning it can predict it wrong, which
then leads to a tons of other issues, including but not limited to:

SLS through JMP (or pretty much anything else)
RET from BTB


Calling *THAT* branch-type-confusion makes a heap more sense to me.