Re: [PATCH v6 11/11] drm/mediatek: dp: Don't register HPD interrupt handler for eDP case

From: Alexandre Mergnat
Date: Thu Jul 20 2023 - 11:55:24 EST

Reviewed-by: Alexandre Mergnat <amergnat@xxxxxxxxxxxx>

On 17/07/2023 16:14, AngeloGioacchino Del Regno wrote:
The interrupt handler for HPD is useful only if a display is actually
supposed to be hotpluggable, as that manages the machinery to perform
cable (un)plug detection, debouncing and setup for re-training.

Since eDP panels are not supposed to be hotpluggable we can avoid
using the HPD interrupts altogether and rely on HPD polling only
for the suspend/resume case, saving us some spinlocking action and
the overhead of interrupts firing at every suspend/resume cycle,
achieving a faster (even if just slightly) display resume.
