Re: [PATCH] arm64: Add the arm64.nolse_atomics command line option

From: Aiqun(Maria) Yu
Date: Tue Jul 11 2023 - 00:02:42 EST

On 7/10/2023 5:37 PM, Will Deacon wrote:
On Mon, Jul 10, 2023 at 01:59:55PM +0800, Maria Yu wrote:
In order to be able to disable lse_atomic even if cpu
support it, most likely because of memory controller
cannot deal with the lse atomic instructions, use a
new idreg override to deal with it.

This should not be a problem for cacheable memory though, right?

Given that Linux does not issue atomic operations to non-cacheable mappings,
I'm struggling to see why there's a problem here.

The lse atomic operation can be issued on non-cacheable mappings as well. Even if it is cached data, with different CPUECTLR_EL1 setting, it can also do far lse atomic operations.

Please can you explain the problem that you are trying to solve?

In our current case, it is a 100% reproducible issue that happened for uncached data, the cpu which support LSE atomic, but the system's DDR subsystem is not support this and caused a NOC error and thus synchronous external abort happened.


Thx and BRs,
Aiqun(Maria) Yu