RE: [PATCH] x86/ia32: Do not modify the DPL bits for a null selector

From: Li, Xin3
Date: Sat Jul 08 2023 - 04:44:27 EST

> > normalize_usrseg_index?
> Perhaps useg? I think that is the abbreviation I have seen used
> elsewhere. I was trying to get things as close as I could to the
> x86 documentation so people could figure out what is going on by
> reading the documentation.

useg seems the right term afaict.

> >> + return (index < 3) ? 0 : index | 3;
> >
> > s/</<=
> >
> > no?
> Yes. My typo.
> The patch was very much a suggestion on how we can perhaps write the
> code to make it clearer what is happening. Normalizing the segment
> index values seems like what we have been intending to do all along.
> In fact it might make sense for clarity to simply use the existing
> "index | 3" logic in what I called normal_seg_index, and then just
> update the normalization to add the null pointer case.
> I was just spending a little time trying to make it so that the code
> is readable.
> > With this patch it looks that 1,2,3 are no longer valid selector values
> > in Linux, which seems the right thing to do but I don't know if there is
> > any side effect.
> You have said that IRET always changes 1,2,3 to 0. So I don't expect
> the selector values of 1,2,3 will last very long.
> If that is not the case I misunderstood, and we should consider doing
> something else.

Your understanding is correct. And I am NOT opposed to your change,
but want to see if there is any concern from other people.

On the other side, I got to mention that when FRED is enabled, ERETU
doesn't forcibly set non-zero null selector values to 0. Then for the
sigreturn self-test, it can set DS to any of the null selector values,
and expect DS is set to the value after sigreturn.

With your proposal, 1, 2 and 3 are no longer valid selector values in
Linux, and Linux would fociably set non-zero null selector values to 0,
just like what IRET has been doing.

Then the sigreturn self-test should be changed to check any non-zero
null selector value will be set to 0 after sigreturn. And this behavior
is consistent w/ and w/o FRED.

I think we should do it.

> It bothers me that the existing code, and your code as well only
> handles the normalization on x86_64 for ia32 mode. Shouldn't
> the same normalization logic apply in a 32bit kernel as well?
> Scope creep I know but the fact the code does not match
> seems concerning.

Agreed! We *should* fix it in the same way.

I guess people are just conservative with 32-bit kernel specific changes.

How many OSVs still release 32-bit kernel? What about the testing?