Re: [PATCH v3 5/6] thermal/drivers/mediatek/lvts_thermal: Don't leave threshold zeroed

From: Alexandre Mergnat
Date: Fri Jul 07 2023 - 10:07:11 EST

On 06/07/2023 17:37, Nícolas F. R. A. Prado wrote:
The thermal framework might leave the low threshold unset if there
aren't any lower trip points. This leaves the register zeroed, which
translates to a very high temperature for the low threshold. The
interrupt for this threshold is then immediately triggered, and the
state machine gets stuck, preventing any other temperature monitoring
interrupts to ever trigger.

(The same happens by not setting the Cold or Hot to Normal thresholds
when using those)

Set the unused threshold to a valid low value. This value was chosen so
that for any valid golden temperature read from the efuse, when the
value is converted to raw and back again to milliCelsius, the result
doesn't underflow.

Reviewed-by: Alexandre Mergnat <amergnat@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
