Re: [PATCH] arm64: dts: mediatek: mt8195: Fix PM suspend/resume with venc clocks

From: Alexandre Mergnat
Date: Thu Jul 06 2023 - 08:35:10 EST

On 06/07/2023 11:58, AngeloGioacchino Del Regno wrote:
Before suspending the LARBs we're making sure that any operation is
done: this never happens because we are unexpectedly unclocking the
LARB20 before executing the suspend handler for the MediaTek Smart
Multimedia Interface (SMI) and the cause of this is incorrect clocks
on this LARB.

Fix this issue by changing the Local Arbiter 20 (used by the video
encoder secondary core) apb clock to CLK_VENC_CORE1_VENC;
furthermore, in order to make sure that both the PM resume and video
encoder operation is stable, add the CLK_VENC(_CORE1)_LARB clock to
the VENC (main core) and VENC_CORE1 power domains, as this IP cannot
communicate with the rest of the system (the AP) without local
arbiter clocks being operational.

Reviewed-by: Alexandre Mergnat <amergnat@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
