Re: [PATCH v2 5/6] can: tcan4x5x: Add support for tcan4552/4553

From: Krzysztof Kozlowski
Date: Sat Jul 01 2023 - 04:34:19 EST

On 27/06/2023 16:23, Markus Schneider-Pargmann wrote:

>>> The version information is always readable for that chip, regardless of
>>> state and wake GPIOs as far as I know. So yes it is possible to setup
>>> the GPIOs based on the content of the ID register.
>>> I personally would prefer separate compatibles. The binding
>>> documentation needs to address that wake and state GPIOs are not
>>> available for tcan4552/4553. I think having compatibles that are for
>>> these chips would make sense then. However this is my opinion, you are
>>> the maintainer.
>> We do not talk about compatibles in the bindings here. This is
>> discussion about your driver. The entire logic of validating DTB is
>> flawed and not needed. Detect the variant and act based on this.
> I thought it was about the bindings, sorry.
> So to summarize the compatibles ti,tcan4552 and ti,tcan4553 are fine.
> But the driver should use the ID register for detection and not compare
> the detected variant with the given compatible?
> In my opinion it is useful to have an error messages that says there is
> something wrong with the devicetree as this can be very helpful for the
> developers who bringup new devices. This helps to quickly find issues
> with the devicetree.

That's not a current policy for other drivers, so this shouldn't be
really special. Kernel is poor in validating DTS. It's not its job. It's
the job of the DT schema.

Best regards,