Re: [PATCH v2 09/11] kbuild: rust_is_available: handle failures calling `$RUSTC`/`$BINDGEN`

From: Martin Rodriguez Reboredo
Date: Fri Jun 16 2023 - 11:02:31 EST

On 6/15/23 21:16, Miguel Ojeda wrote:
The script already checks if `$RUSTC` and `$BINDGEN` exists via
`command`, but the environment variables may point to a
non-executable file, or the programs may fail for some other reason.
While the script successfully exits with a failure as it should,
the error given can be quite confusing depending on the shell and
the behavior of its `command`. For instance, with `dash`:

$ RUSTC=./mm BINDGEN=bindgen CC=clang scripts/
scripts/ 19: arithmetic expression: expecting primary: "100000 * + 100 * + "

Thus detect failure exit codes when calling `$RUSTC` and `$BINDGEN` and
print a better message, in a similar way to what we do when extracting
the `libclang` version found by `bindgen`.

Signed-off-by: Miguel Ojeda <ojeda@xxxxxxxxxx>

Reviewed-by: Martin Rodriguez Reboredo <yakoyoku@xxxxxxxxx>