Re: [PATCH v2 07/11] kbuild: rust_is_available: fix confusion when a version appears in the path

From: Martin Rodriguez Reboredo
Date: Fri Jun 16 2023 - 11:02:06 EST

On 6/15/23 21:16, Miguel Ojeda wrote:
`bindgen`'s output for `libclang`'s version check contains paths, which
in turn may contain strings that look like version numbers [1][2]:

.../6.1.0-dev/.../rust_is_available_bindgen_libclang.h:2:9: warning: clang version 11.1.0 [-W#pragma-messages], err: false

which the script will pick up as the version instead of the latter.

It is also the case that versions may appear after the actual version
(e.g. distribution's version text), which was the reason behind `head` [3]:

.../rust-is-available-bindgen-libclang.h:2:9: warning: clang version 13.0.0 (Fedora 13.0.0-3.fc35) [-W#pragma-messages], err: false

Thus instead ask for a match after the `clang version` string.

Reported-by: Jordan Isaacs <mail@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Closes: [1]
Reported-by: Ethan D. Twardy <ethan.twardy@xxxxxxxxx>
Closes: [2]
Reported-by: Tiago Lam <tiagolam@xxxxxxxxx>
Closes: [3]
Fixes: 78521f3399ab ("scripts: add ``")
Signed-off-by: Miguel Ojeda <ojeda@xxxxxxxxxx>

Reviewed-by: Martin Rodriguez Reboredo <yakoyoku@xxxxxxxxx>