Re: [PATCH v2 14/18] iommu/arm-smmu-v3: Support domains with shared CDs

From: Robin Murphy
Date: Wed Jun 14 2023 - 05:57:53 EST

On 2023-06-14 10:17, Michael Shavit wrote:
On Wed, Jun 7, 2023 at 1:09 AM Jason Gunthorpe <jgg@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

On Tue, Jun 06, 2023 at 08:07:50PM +0800, Michael Shavit wrote:
SVA may attach a CD to masters that have different upstream SMMU
devices. The arm_smmu_domain structure can only be attached to a single
upstream SMMU device however.

Isn't that pretty much because we don't support replicating
invalidations to each of the different SMMU instances?

Looked into this some more, and supporting attach to multiple devices
is still very hard:
1. When an arm_smmu_domain is first attached to a master, it
initializes an io_pgtable_cfg object whose properties depend on the
master's upstream SMMU device. This io_pgtable_cfg is then used to
allocate an io_pgtable object, and the arm_smmu_ctx_desc's TTBR field
points to that io_pgtable's TTBR (and ditto for the vttbr on stage 2
domains). So then arm_smmu_domain needs to be split into two,
arm_smmu_domain and arm_smmu_device_domain with the latter containing
a per-SMMU device io_pgtable, arm_smmu_ctx_desc and arm_smmu_s2_cfg.
Each iommu_domain_ops operation now needs to loop over each
2. Some of the iommu_domain fields also depend on the per-SMMU
io_pgtable_cfg; specifically pgsize_bitmap and geometry.aperture_end.
These need to be restricted as the domain is attached to more devices.
3. Attaching a domain to a new SMMU device must be prohibited after
any call to map_pages or if iommu_domain.pgsize_bitmap and
iommu-domain.geometry.aperture_end have been consumed by any system.
The first is something the arm-smmu-v3.c driver could feasibly enforce
on its own, the second requires changes to the iommu framework.

In practice it would be entirely reasonable to only support cross-instance attach between instances with matching capabilities such that they *can* share the pagetable directly.

The arm-smmu-v3-sva.c implementation avoids all these problems because it
doesn't need to allocate an io_pgtable;

SVA has all the same underlying problems - pagetable sharing is still pagetable sharing regardless of which code happens to allocate the physical pages - they're just avoided up-front by disallowing SVA at all if the relevant capabilities don't line up between SMMU and CPU.
