Re: [PATCH v2 0/2] Lock and Pointer guards

From: Nick Desaulniers
Date: Thu Jun 08 2023 - 16:14:28 EST

On Thu, Jun 8, 2023 at 11:51 AM Peter Zijlstra <peterz@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On Thu, Jun 08, 2023 at 10:20:19AM -0700, Nick Desaulniers wrote:
> > Presumably, one could simply just not use RAII when working with a value that conditionally
> > "escapes" the local scope.
> But then you're back to the error goto :/

Thinking more about the expected ergonomics here over
meaningful insights, just thoughts...

For something like a mutex/lock; I'd expect those to be acquired then
released within the same function, yeah? In which case
__attribute__((cleanup())) has fewer hazards since the resource
doesn't escape.

For a pointer to a dynamically allocated region that may get returned
to the caller...

I mean, people do this in C++. It is safe and canonical to return a
std::unique_ptr. When created locally the destructor does the
expected thing regardless of control flow. IIUC, std::unique_ptr's
move constructor basically does what Kees suggested earlier (trigger
warning: C++):

A recent commit to clang
raised an interesting point (deficiency is perhaps too strong a word)
about GNU-style attributes; they generally have no meaning on an ABI.

Consider a function that returns a locally constructed
std::unique_ptr. If the function returns a type where the caller
knows what destructor functions to run. This is part of the ABI.

Here, we're talking about using __attribute__((cleanup())) to DTR
locally, but then we return a "raw" pointer to a caller. What cleanup
function should the caller run, implicitly, if at all? If we use
__attribute__((cleanup())) that saves us a few gotos locally, but the
caller perhaps now needs the same treatment.
~Nick Desaulniers