Re: [PATCH 4/7] arm64: dts: ti: k3-j7200-mcu: Add mcu_secproxy

From: Kumar, Udit
Date: Tue Jun 06 2023 - 09:09:15 EST

On 5/31/2023 11:09 PM, Nishanth Menon wrote:
On 22:37-20230531, Kumar, Udit wrote:
+ secure_proxy_mcu: mailbox@2a480000 {
I think, we should start name as  mailbox@2a380000
+ compatible = "ti,am654-secure-proxy";
+ #mbox-cells = <1>;
+ reg-names = "target_data", "rt", "scfg";
+ reg = <0x0 0x2a480000 0x0 0x80000>,
+ <0x0 0x2a380000 0x0 0x80000>,
+ <0x0 0x2a400000 0x0 0x80000>;
I think, we should have increasing order for reg. Unless there is some
strong reason to keep in this way.
Binding is defined this way - the items section in the binding
enforces the order. As a result the first reg entry(target_data)
address causes the node name.

Ok thanks, u boot defined in other way but i don't see problem post sync,

As u-boot driver is getting node address based upon name instead of index.

Reviewed-by: Udit Kumar <u-kumar1@xxxxxx>