Re: [PATCH v4] mmc: mtk-sd: reduce CIT for better performance

From: Alexandre Mergnat
Date: Mon Jun 05 2023 - 09:46:22 EST

On 05/06/2023 14:14, Wenbin Mei wrote:
CQHCI_SSC1 indicates to CQE the polling period to use when using periodic
Since MSDC CQE uses msdc_hclk as ITCFVAL, so driver should use hclk
frequency to get the actual time.
The default value 0x1000 that corresponds to 150us for MediaTek SoCs, let's
decrease it to 0x40 that corresponds to 2.35us, which can improve the
performance of some eMMC devices.


- Can you add the version change log and the link to the previous
patch version (at least) please ?

- On which board(s) did you test this patch please ?
