Re: [PATCH v2 1/3] rust: kernel: add ScatterList abstraction

From: Qingsong Chen
Date: Mon Jun 05 2023 - 04:12:42 EST

On 6/3/23 3:54 AM, Martin Rodriguez Reboredo wrote:
On 6/2/23 07:18, Qingsong Chen wrote:
+/// # Invirants
+/// All instances should be valid, either created by the `new` constructor
+/// (see [`pin_init`]), or transmuted from raw pointers (which could be used
+/// to reference a valid entry of `sg_table`).
+/// # Examples
+/// The following is some use cases of [`ScatterList`].
+/// ```rust
+/// use core::pin::pin;
+/// # use kernel::error::Result;
+/// # use kernel::scatterlist::ScatterList;
+/// // Prepare memory buffers.
+/// let buf0: Pin<&mut [u8]> = pin!([0u8; 512]);
+/// let buf1: Pin<&mut [u8]> = pin!([1u8; 512]);
+/// // Allocates an instance on stack.
+/// kernel::stack_pin_init!(let foo = ScatterList::new(&buf0));
+/// let mut foo: Pin<&mut ScatterList<'_>> = foo;
+/// assert_eq!(foo.length(), 512);
+/// // Alloccate an instance by Box::pin_init.
+/// let bar: Pin<Box<ScatterList<'_>>> = Box::pin_init(ScatterList::new(&buf1))?;
+/// assert_eq!(bar.length(), 512);

This comment has some typos, but luckily there's the `typos` tool [1]
out there to help us.

I just tried the `typos` tool, but it didn't report any errors. Though, I would try other spell checker, with more caution. Thanks.

+ /// Obtain a pinned reference to an immutable scatterlist from a raw pointer.
+ pub fn as_ref(ptr: *mut bindings::scatterlist) -> Option<Pin<&'a Self>> {
+ // SAFETY: `sgl` is non-null and valid.
+ NonNull::new(ptr).map(|sgl| Pin::new(unsafe { &*(sgl.as_ptr() as *const ScatterList<'_>) }))
+ }
+ /// Obtain a pinned reference to a mutable scatterlist from a raw pointer.
+ pub fn as_mut(ptr: *mut bindings::scatterlist) -> Option<Pin<&'a mut Self>> {
+ // SAFETY: `sgl` is non-null and valid.
+ NonNull::new(ptr)
+ .map(|sgl| Pin::new(unsafe { &mut *(sgl.as_ptr() as *mut ScatterList<'_>) }))
+ }

Please mark both of these as `unsafe` as you can still pass an invalid
pointer to them. Also, if there's no other user of those methods other
than this module then I'd suggest to make them private.

Those methods are only used by `SgTable` and the iterators by design. And it would be better if they were private and marked as unsafe. Thanks.