Re: [PATCH v4 2/3] dt-bindings: arm: Add Coresight Dummy Trace

From: Hao Zhang
Date: Tue May 09 2023 - 23:26:36 EST

Hi Suzuki, Leo,

On 5/5/2023 8:05 PM, Leo Yan wrote:
On Fri, May 05, 2023 at 11:54:03AM +0100, Suzuki Kuruppassery Poulose wrote:


+title: ARM Coresight Dummy component
+description: |
+ Coresight Dummy Trace Module is for the specific devices that kernel
+ don't have permission to access or configure, e.g., CoreSight TPDMs
+ on Qualcomm platforms. So there need driver to register dummy devices
+ as Coresight devices. It may also be used to define components that
+ may not have any programming interfaces (e.g, static links), so that
+ paths can be established in the driver. Provide Coresight API for
+ dummy device operations, such as enabling and disabling dummy devices.
+ Build the Coresight path for dummy sink or dummy source for debugging. > +
+ The primary use case of the coresight dummy is to build path in kernel
+ side for dummy sink and dummy source.
+ - Mao Jinlong <quic_jinlmao@xxxxxxxxxxx>
+ - Tao Zhang <quic_taozha@xxxxxxxxxxx>
+ - Hao Zhang <quic_hazha@xxxxxxxxxxx>
+ - Yuanfang Zhang <quic_yuanfang@xxxxxxxxxxx>

Given this is a generic "CoreSight" component, I would prefer to have the
CoreSight subsystem maintainers listed here (too). I don't mind
the entries above, but would like to make sure that the subsystem
people are aware of the changes happening here. Please use:

Mike Leach <mike.leach@xxxxxxxxxx>
Suzuki K Poulose <suzuki.poulose@xxxxxxx>
Leo Yan <leo.yan@xxxxxxxxxx>
> Given I am spending little time on CoreSight reviewing, I'd like to
use James Clark's email address to replace my own; I believe this
would benefit long term maintenance.

James Clark <james.clark@xxxxxxx>


Thanks for your review. I will update the maintainers in the next patch series.


With the above:

Acked-by: Suzuki K Poulose <suzuki.poulose@xxxxxxx>

+ compatible:
+ items:
+ - enum:
+ - arm,coresight-dummy-sink
+ - arm,coresight-dummy-source
+ out-ports:
+ $ref: /schemas/graph.yaml#/properties/ports
+ properties:
+ port:
+ description: Output connection from the source to Coresight
+ Trace bus.
+ $ref: /schemas/graph.yaml#/properties/port
+ in-ports:
+ $ref: /schemas/graph.yaml#/properties/ports
+ properties:
+ port:
+ description: Input connection from the Coresight Trace bus to
+ dummy sink, such as Embedded USB debugger(EUD).
+ $ref: /schemas/graph.yaml#/properties/port
+ - compatible
+ # If the compatible contains the below value
+ properties:
+ compatible:
+ contains:
+ const: arm,coresight-dummy-sink
+ required:
+ - in-ports
+ required:
+ - out-ports
+additionalProperties: false
+ # Minimum dummy sink definition. Dummy sink connect to coresight replicator.
+ - |
+ sink {
+ compatible = "arm,coresight-dummy-sink";
+ in-ports {
+ port {
+ eud_in_replicator_swao: endpoint {
+ remote-endpoint = <&replicator_swao_out_eud>;
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ # Minimum dummy source definition. Dummy source connect to coresight funnel.
+ - |
+ source {
+ compatible = "arm,coresight-dummy-source";
+ out-ports {
+ port {
+ dummy_riscv_out_funnel_swao: endpoint {
+ remote-endpoint = <&funnel_swao_in_dummy_riscv>;
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ };