Re: [PATCH 0/3] Dynptr Verifier Adjustments

From: Daniel Rosenberg
Date: Wed Apr 26 2023 - 18:07:29 EST

> It is expected that you build the freshest vmlinux image before
> building selftests, because we generate vmlinux.h from it. In your
> case we generated vmlinux.h from your system-wide
> /sys/kernel/btf/vmlinux BTF information, which doesn't yet have latest
> UAPI enums.
I'm still unable to build the selftests. I've got it pointed to a
locally built kernel built using the config/config.x86_64, and have
tried running the script, and building just the tests via
make. I'm using O= to direct it to the out directory for the kernel
build. I've been hitting various errors when trying this. Confusingly
the error message isn't always the same. Currently from a clean build,
it complains about "linux/atomic.h" not found via #include
"../../../include/linux/filter.h"'s in various files. Other times it's
complained about the various helper functions from bpf_helper_defs.h
being unused.

I'm not sure if I'm invoking the command wrong, or missing
dependencies or something. I got past some earlier issues by updating
clang. Any idea what I'm doing wrong?