Re: [PATCH 1/6] bus: mhi: ep: Power up/down MHI stack during MHI RESET

From: Jeffrey Hugo
Date: Wed Jan 04 2023 - 23:11:44 EST

On 12/28/2022 9:16 AM, Manivannan Sadhasivam wrote:
During graceful shutdown scenario, host will issue MHI RESET to the
endpoint device before initiating shutdown. In that case, it makes sense
to completely power down the MHI stack as sooner or later the access to
MMIO registers will be prohibited. Also, the stack needs to be powered
up in the case of SYS_ERR to recover the device.

Signed-off-by: Manivannan Sadhasivam <manivannan.sadhasivam@xxxxxxxxxx>

Reviewed-by: Jeffrey Hugo <quic_jhugo@xxxxxxxxxxx>