Re: [PATCH bpf v2] riscv, bpf: Emit fixed-length instructions for BPF_PSEUDO_FUNC

From: Björn Töpel
Date: Tue Dec 06 2022 - 03:43:06 EST

Pu Lehui <pulehui@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

>> Wouldn't that work?
> It definitely works. But auipc+addi may be some holes, while
> lui+addi+slli support all the address of kernel and module. And this
> might be help for the future feature porting.

We're already using auipc/jalr for calls, and I'd say it *very* unlikely
that we'll hit the non-covered range. I'd say go with auipc/addi +
error, and we can change if this really is a problem.