RE: [PATCH] tools: memory-model: Make plain accesses carry dependencies

From: Jonas Oberhauser
Date: Thu Dec 01 2022 - 12:21:52 EST

Thanks a lot for the helpful and detailed comments!
Three minor points before I send a new patch:

> even if W' or R' (or both!) is plain.

The "is" sounds slightly weird to me in the sentence because the last part I read is
"(or both!)", so I would slightly prefer "are" here.

> On the other hand, if you change the second "dependencies" to "ones" and "unmarked" to "plain", maybe the whole thing will fit on one line.

It fits even if I changed the second dependencies to "those" instead of "ones", i.e.,
(* Redefine dependencies to include those carried through plain accesses *)

which I would prefer.

> if you replaced the whole conditional with a simple
> WRITE_ONCE(*y, *z2);
> then the litmus test would become an example of OOTA!

In my opinion it is already an example of OOTA, which I would define as an
rfi | ctrl | addr | data | fence

Let me know if you agree with these deviations from your suggestion
and have a great time,


> When a colon is followed by a clause (as opposed to a list), it is customary to capitalize the first letter of that clause, just like we capitalize the first letter at the start of a sentence.

In German, we also capitalize after a colon; but my English teachers used to deduct many points throughout my adolescent life whenever I capitalized like that. I still remember some of that red ink with near perfect clarity. So I eventually really took it to heart and started pedantically not-capitalizing after every colon.
Now the only time it ever mattered in my adult life, I find that I should do it German Style (or, as I just learned, APA & AP Style).
I suppose life is that way sometimes.

have a lot of fun,