Re: [PATCH 02/15] can: m_can: Wakeup net queue once tx was issued

From: Marc Kleine-Budde
Date: Wed Nov 30 2022 - 12:21:12 EST

On 16.11.2022 21:52:55, Markus Schneider-Pargmann wrote:
> Currently the driver waits to wakeup the queue until the interrupt for
> the transmit event is received and acknowledged. If we want to use the
> hardware FIFO, this is too late.
> Instead release the queue as soon as the transmit was transferred into
> the hardware FIFO. We are then ready for the next transmit to be
> transferred.

If you want to really speed up the TX path, remove the worker and use
the spi_async() API from the xmit callback, see mcp251xfd_start_xmit().

Extra bonus if you implement xmit_more() and transfer more than 1 skb
per SPI transfer.


Pengutronix e.K. | Marc Kleine-Budde |
Embedded Linux | |
Vertretung West/Dortmund | Phone: +49-231-2826-924 |
Amtsgericht Hildesheim, HRA 2686 | Fax: +49-5121-206917-5555 |

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