RE: [PATCH v2] cxgbi: move cxgbi_ddp_set_one_ppod to cxgb_ppm and remove its duplicate

From: Varun Prakash
Date: Tue Nov 22 2022 - 09:29:11 EST

>cxgbit and libcxgbi both used the exact same function but with slightly
>different names, and a missing NULL check in one case. Move the function
>to libcxgb/libcxgb_ppm.c and nuke the duplicate.
>This also renames the function to cxgbi_ppm_set_one_ppod so that it
>matches the rest of the functions in cxgb_ppm.
>Signed-off-by: Daniil Tatianin <d-tatianin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Acked-by: Varun Prakash <varun@xxxxxxxxxxx>