Re: [PATCH v3 4/4] arm64: dts: ti: Add support for J784S4 EVM board

From: Tony Lindgren
Date: Tue Nov 22 2022 - 02:35:17 EST

* Nishanth Menon <nm@xxxxxx> [221118 22:12]:
> I don't buy the argument here for 1-1 mapping of aliased serial
> instances to instances - why should main_uart8 be ttyS10, why not
> ttyS8 (it is equally valid - why was it called uart8?).. That mapping
> is just a convention we are choosing to create.

Heh yeah IMO uart8 should be ttyS8.. I agree let's not break the userspace
device names as we've seen what kind of nightmare that ends up being.

