Re: [PATCH v2 10/14] platform/x86/intel/ifs: Add metadata validation

From: Sohil Mehta
Date: Thu Nov 10 2022 - 04:40:59 EST

On 11/9/2022 5:22 PM, Joseph, Jithu wrote:

Here is the layout of the metadata section in an IFS test image.
Test Data (chunks) follow the struct meta_data defined in load.c

Thanks, this helps clarify things around the test data placement in this patch. I think it would be useful to include the below information in the commit message as well.

Given that,

Reviewed-by: Sohil Mehta <sohil.mehta@xxxxxxxxx>

IFS Metadata layout
+----------------------+ 0
|meta_size |
|test type |
|fusa info |
|total images |
|current image# |
|total chunks |
|starting chunk |
|size per chunk |
|chunks per stride |
|Reserved[54] |
+----------------------+ 256
| |
| |
| |
| |
|Test Data/Chunks |
| |
| |
| |
| |
+----------------------+ meta_size
| META_TYPE_END (=0) |
+----------------------+ meta_size + 4
| size of end (=8) |
| |
+----------------------+ meta_size + 8
