Re: [PATCH] perf tools: Fix empty version number when building outside of a git repo

From: John Garry
Date: Thu Sep 29 2022 - 06:09:20 EST

On 28/09/2022 18:26, Will Chandler wrote:
On 28 Sep 2022, at 5:21, John Garry wrote:

This looks ok. But did you consider going back to same flow as pre-7572733b8499 to avoid a Makefile check, like:


if test -d ../../.git -o -f ../../.git
TAG=$(MAKEFLAGS= make -sC ../.. kernelversion)
CID=$(git log -1 --abbrev=12 --pretty=format:"%h" 2>/dev/null) && CID="-g$CID"
elif test -f ../../PERF-VERSION-FILE
TAG=$(cut -d' ' -f3 ../../PERF-VERSION-FILE | sed -e 's/\"//g')
if test -z "$TAG"
TAG=$(MAKEFLAGS= make -sC ../.. kernelversion)


The evaluation for $TAG is not really needed in the first leg since the fallback does the same thing, but just added for clarity.

I think that would be fine as well. I don't have a strong opinion on which one
is easier to follow.

Looking at this more closely, there is a slight difference between the two
approaches. In the problem scenario my patch will always use `make kernelversion`,
while pre-7572733b8499 starts with PERF-VERSION-FILE if available, falling
back to the Makefile.

With the old approach PERF-VERSION-FILE could be used to manually
override the version, but this is inconsistent with how the version is
generated when building in a git repo. Is this relevant?

Hmmm... maybe someone would want to customise PERF-VERSION-FILE for their own distro. Not sure. But then fiddling with PERF-VERSION-FILE might break the parsing so...I guess not.

BTW, is there any other method of building the perf code not considered? So far I know:
a. in git tree
b. perf-tar-src-pkg
c. tarball
