Re: [PATCH v3 1/1] Create debugfs file with hyper-v balloon usage information

From: Alexander Atanasov
Date: Wed Sep 07 2022 - 04:15:44 EST


On 3.09.22 7:37, Michael Kelley (LINUX) wrote:

Alexander -- I finally caught up on the long discussion of balloon
driver reporting that occurred over much of August. I think your
original plan had been for each of the balloon driver to report
useful information in debugfs. But as a result of the discussion,
it looks like virtio-balloon will be putting the information in
/proc/meminfo. If that's the case, it seems like we should
drop these changes to the Hyper-V balloon driver, and have
the Hyper-V balloon driver take the same approach as

These Hyper-V balloon driver changes have already gone
into 6.0-rc1. If we're going to drop them, we should do
the revert before 6.0 is done.


There is a lot of information that would not go into /proc/meminfo.
vmware have only one file with all, virtio have separate file for features to expose. HV doesn't have other files so i think file is still useful. Only the memory in kB will go into the /proc/meminfo - pages/page sizes would not. But i am not sure how to handle the situation since i guess it will take time for the MM guys to decide - there is currently only one Ack on the series.

Alexander Atanasov