Re: PROBLEM: Regression likely in hid_uclogic driver breaks Huion Inspiroy H640 drawing tablet

From: Stefan Hansson
Date: Tue Jul 26 2022 - 22:56:41 EST


Thanks for looking into this! Bisecting has been slow on my end
unfortunately. I built today's linux-next (20220726) with your proposed
patch below and my drawing tablet curiously still does not work as expected.
The stylus works a couple of times, but eventually stops working (unlike
prior where it always seemed to only work once). Do I need both your revert
and this diff for it to work properly?

You are right, I just tested for a while with the diff applied (without
reverting the commit causing the issue) and after putting the pen in
and out proximity a fair amount of times (> 100) it stopped working.

This part is peculiar to me. When I said "a couple of times", I really meant a couple of times. For me, this issue reproduces after maybe 10 times at most. I have never been able to do it for anything close to 100 times. I wonder what's up with this disparity?

Stefan Hansson