Re: [PATCH 2/3] drm/msm/gpu: Park scheduler threads for system suspend

From: Andrey Grodzovsky
Date: Thu Mar 17 2022 - 13:46:32 EST

On 2022-03-17 12:04, Christian König wrote:
Am 17.03.22 um 16:10 schrieb Rob Clark:
userspace frozen != kthread frozen .. that is what this patch is
trying to address, so we aren't racing between shutting down the hw
and the scheduler shoveling more jobs at us.

Well exactly that's the problem. The scheduler is supposed to shoveling more jobs at us until it is empty.

Thinking more about it we will then keep some dma_fence instance unsignaled and that is and extremely bad idea since it can lead to deadlocks during suspend.

So this patch here is an absolute clear NAK from my side. If amdgpu is doing something similar that is a severe bug and needs to be addressed somehow.

From looking at latest amd-stagin-drm-next we only use directly kthread_park during in debugfs IB hooks.
For S3  suspend (amdgpu_pmops_suspend) we will only  flush all the HW fences (amdgpu_fence_wait_empty) so we don't freeze the scheduler thread and don't flush scheduler entities.


