Re: [PATCH] Increase default MLOCK_LIMIT to 8 MiB

From: Drew DeVault
Date: Tue Nov 16 2021 - 01:38:26 EST

On Tue Nov 16, 2021 at 5:35 AM CET, Andrew Morton wrote:
> Unfortunately I didn't know about this until Nov 4, which was formally
> too late for 5.16. I guess I could try to sneak it past Linus if
> someone were to send me some sufficiently convincing words explaining
> the urgency.

I don't think it's that urgent, but I also wouldn't protest if someone
wants to usher it in sooner rather than later.

> And a question: rather than messing around with a constant which will
> need to be increased again in a couple of years, can we solve this one
> and for all? For example, permit root to set the system-wide
> per-process max mlock size and depend upon initscripts to do this
> appropriately.

Not sure I understand. Root and init scripts can already manage this
number - the goal of this patch is just to provide a saner default.