/*++ ; ;Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. ; ;Module Name: ; BMI160.INF ; ;Abstract: ; INF file for installing the Sensors 2.0 BMI160 sample driver ; ;Installation Notes: ; Using Devcon: Type "devcon install BMI160.inf umdf2\BMI160" to install ; ;--*/ [Version] Signature = "$WINDOWS NT$" Class = Sensor ClassGuid = {5175D334-C371-4806-B3BA-71FD53C9258D} Provider = %BOSCH% CatalogFile = BMI160.cat DriverVer = 07/06/2020, [SourceDisksNames] 1 = %MediaDescription%,,,"" [SourceDisksFiles] BMI160.dll = 1,, [Manufacturer] %ManufacturerName% = BMI160_Device, NTamd64 ;******************************* ; BMI160 Install Section ;******************************* [BMI160_Device.NTamd64] ; DisplayName Section DeviceId ; ----------- ------- -------- %BMI160_DevDesc% = BMI160_Inst, ACPI\10EC5280 [BMI160_Inst.NT] CopyFiles = BMI160DriverCopy [BMI160DriverCopy] BMI160.dll [DestinationDirs] BMI160DriverCopy = 12,UMDF ;-------------- Service installation [BMI160_Inst.NT.Services] AddService = WUDFRd,0x000001fa,WUDFRD_ServiceInstall [BMI160_Inst.NT.CoInstallers] AddReg = CoInstallers_AddReg [WUDFRD_ServiceInstall] DisplayName = %WudfRdDisplayName% ServiceType = %SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER% StartType = %SERVICE_DEMAND_START% ErrorControl = %SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL% ServiceBinary = %12%\WUDFRd.sys ;-------------- WDF specific section [BMI160_Inst.NT.Wdf] UmdfService = BMI160, BMI160_Install UmdfServiceOrder = BMI160 UmdfDirectHardwareAccess = AllowDirectHardwareAccess UmdfFileObjectPolicy = AllowNullAndUnknownFileObjects UmdfFsContextUsePolicy = CannotUseFsContexts [BMI160_Install] UmdfLibraryVersion = 2.15.0 ServiceBinary = %12%\UMDF\BMI160.dll UmdfExtensions = SensorsCx0102 [CoInstallers_AddReg] HKR,,CoInstallers32,0x00010000,"WudfCoinstaller.dll" [Strings] MediaDescription = "Windows BMI160 Driver" BOSCH = "Bosch" ManufacturerName = "Bosch" BMI160_DevDesc = "BMI160" WudfRdDisplayName = "Windows Driver Foundation - User-mode Driver Framework Reflector" SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER = 1 SERVICE_DEMAND_START = 3 SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL = 1