[PATCH] media: dvb: qt1010, change i2c read buffer from stack, to kernel space

From: rkardell
Date: Thu Oct 07 2021 - 08:29:08 EST

Solve problem with initialization of Mega Sky 580 USB DVB (and other using mt352), error when reading i2c id.

Signed-off-by: rkl099 <rkardell@xxxxxxx>
 drivers/media/tuners/qt1010.c | 6 +++++-
 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/drivers/media/tuners/qt1010.c b/drivers/media/tuners/qt1010.c
index 3853a3d43..1bc0756f7 100644
--- a/drivers/media/tuners/qt1010.c
+++ b/drivers/media/tuners/qt1010.c
@@ -11,18 +11,22 @@
 /* read single register */
 static int qt1010_readreg(struct qt1010_priv *priv, u8 reg, u8 *val)
+    u8 *b1=kmalloc(1,GFP_KERNEL);
        struct i2c_msg msg[2] = {
                { .addr = priv->cfg->i2c_address,
                  .flags = 0, .buf = &reg, .len = 1 },
                { .addr = priv->cfg->i2c_address,
-                 .flags = I2C_M_RD, .buf = val, .len = 1 },
+                 .flags = I2C_M_RD, .buf = b1, .len = 1 },

        if (i2c_transfer(priv->i2c, msg, 2) != 2) {
                dev_warn(&priv->i2c->dev, "%s: i2c rd failed reg=%02x\n",
                                KBUILD_MODNAME, reg);
+           kfree(b1);
                return -EREMOTEIO;
+       *val=b1[0];
+       kfree(b1);
        return 0;
