Re: [RFC PATCH 2/2] PCI: apple: Add driver for the Apple M1

From: Hector Martin
Date: Wed Aug 18 2021 - 07:43:57 EST

On 15/08/2021 21.33, Sven Peter wrote:
The magic comes from the original Corellium driver. It first masks everything
except for the interrupts in the next line, then acks the interrupts it keeps
enabled and then probably wants to wait for PORT_INT_LINK_UP (or any of the
other interrupts which seem to indicate various error conditions) to fire but
instead polls for PORT_LINKSTS_UP.

Let's not take any magic numbers from their drivers (or what macOS does, for that matter) without making an attempt to understand what they do, unless it becomes clear it's incomprehensible. This has already bit us in the past (the SError disable thing).

Hector Martin (marcan@xxxxxxxxx)
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