Re: [RFC PATCH 3/4 v0.3] sched/umcg: RFC: add userspace sll helpers

From: Thierry Delisle
Date: Fri Jul 16 2021 - 20:58:38 EST

> The helpers below can work with userspace single-linked lists concurrently
> without indefinitely spinning in the kernel. Specifically:
> push (add to the head of the list):
>   step = 0
>   while (++step < N)
>      old = *head
>      *next = old
>      cmp_xchng(head, &old, next)
> pop (remove the first element from the list):
>     mark the node as deleted by flipping its lowest bit without
>     actually removing the node from the list:
>   curr = *head
>   step = 0
>   while (curr && ++step < N)
>     next = *curr
>     if (next & 1)
>         curr = next & ~1
>         continue
>     if (cmp_xchng(curr, next, next | 1))
>         return curr
>     else
>         curr = next & ~1
> It is the userspace's responsibility to actually remove the
> nodes marked as deleted from the list.

I believe the subsystem called Nemesis introduced a MCS-based queue that could
be useful here. The original paper is

You can also look at this repo for an implementation of the queue.

While it uses 2 pointers, I believe it would fit well for idle_workers_ptr
since the push operation is wait-free, which avoids problems for the kernel.
The pop operation requires a lock in userspace *if* multiple servers can
consume from the same queue, but I don't believe it's a requirement in general.