staging: rtl8723bs: removal of 5G code

From: Fabio Aiuto
Date: Thu May 20 2021 - 05:43:34 EST

Hi all,

I'm stick with removal of 5Ghz code from rtl8723bs wireless card driver
(in staging subsystem).

I think that this task comprehend deletion of all code managing
80Mhz bandwidth and upper bandwidth (160 and 80+80). For the latter
it's simple, there's quite no code (unused enums and obsolete comments).

The former seems to be trickier, there are handlers like this:

/* 3 Set Reg483 */
SubChnlNum = phy_GetSecondaryChnl_8723B(Adapter);
rtw_write8(Adapter, REG_DATA_SC_8723B, SubChnlNum);

phy_GetSecondaryChnl_8723B() contains code like:

} else if (pHalData->CurrentChannelBW == CHANNEL_WIDTH_40) {
if (pHalData->nCur40MhzPrimeSC == HAL_PRIME_CHNL_OFFSET_UPPER)
SCSettingOf20 = VHT_DATA_SC_20_UPPER_OF_80MHZ;
else if (pHalData->nCur40MhzPrimeSC == HAL_PRIME_CHNL_OFFSET_LOWER)
SCSettingOf20 = VHT_DATA_SC_20_LOWER_OF_80MHZ;

so if we are on a 40M channel some settings involving 80M are made and
the whole is then written on card registers.

May I get rid of the whole? Are there some implications I should be aware of?
Is secondary channel needed if we are on 40M bandwidth?

Thank you in advance,
