Re: [PATCH] hungtask: add filter kthread/check comm

From: Michal Hocko
Date: Wed May 19 2021 - 09:06:27 EST

On Wed 19-05-21 20:13:25, chenguanyou wrote:
> Some kernel threads are always in D state, when we enable hung_task,
> it will misjudge, we should skip these to narrow the scope.

Why they are in the D state in the first place?

Also you are proposing a new user interface which would need to be
maintained for ever. This means that any such a proposal has to be very
carefully justified. Always make sure to cc linux-api mailing list in
these cases.

>From the (not much) information you have provided this interface seems
more like a workaround for buggy code so far.
Michal Hocko