Re: [PATCH v1 6/6] bus: mhi: core: Add range checks for BHI and BHIe

From: Jeffrey Hugo
Date: Tue May 04 2021 - 13:31:03 EST

On 4/16/2021 12:47 PM, Bhaumik Bhatt wrote:
When obtaining the BHI or BHIe offsets during the power up
preparation phase, range checks are missing. These can help
controller drivers avoid accessing any address outside of the
MMIO region. Ensure that mhi_cntrl->reg_len is set before MHI
registration as it is a required field and range checks will
fail without it.

Signed-off-by: Bhaumik Bhatt <bbhatt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Reviewed-by: Jeffrey Hugo <quic_jhugo@xxxxxxxxxxx>