Re: [PATCH v3 1/2] perf tools: add 'perf irq' to measure the hardware interrupts

From: Bixuan Cui
Date: Thu Feb 18 2021 - 05:36:29 EST

On 2021/1/29 21:57, Hagen Paul Pfeifer wrote:
> Idea: why now pre-calc the max IRQ name length and adjust the columns
> dynamically? Time consume us, entry time and exit time can be threatet static
> in (max) length lenght. This overlong, static ASCII lines are no pleasure! ;-)
> Furthermore, why not a --format feature?
> *perf irq report --format csv* option? Your human readable ASCII version is
> okay, but often you had thousands of IRQs where just one IRQ is an outliner.
> Pipe the output to numpy and matplotlib is often the required post-precessing
> step, but parsing the ASCII output is tortuous.
Good idea. In fact, I plan to output part of (maximum) data.
I'll consider adding '--format csv*' option.

Bixuan Cui
> hgn