Re: [PATCH v2] module: Ignore _GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_ when warning for undefined symbols

From: Jessica Yu
Date: Fri Jan 15 2021 - 03:10:23 EST

+++ Nick Desaulniers [14/01/21 14:01 -0800]:
On Thu, Jan 14, 2021 at 1:54 PM 'Fangrui Song' via Clang Built Linux
<clang-built-linux@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

clang-12 -fno-pic (since
can emit `call __stack_chk_fail@PLT` instead of `call __stack_chk_fail`
on x86. The two forms should have identical behaviors on x86-64 but the
former causes GNU as<2.37 to produce an unreferenced undefined symbol

(On x86-32, there is an R_386_PC32 vs R_386_PLT32 difference but the
linker behavior is identical as far as Linux kernel is concerned.)

Simply ignore _GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_ for now, like what
scripts/mod/modpost.c:ignore_undef_symbol does. This also fixes the
problem for gcc/clang -fpie and -fpic, which may emit `call foo@PLT` for
external function calls on x86.

Note: ld -z defs and dynamic loaders do not error for unreferenced
undefined symbols so the module loader is reading too much. If we ever
need to ignore more symbols, the code should be refactored to ignore
unreferenced symbols.

Reported-by: Marco Elver <elver@xxxxxxxxxx>
Signed-off-by: Fangrui Song <maskray@xxxxxxxxxx>

Thanks for the patch.

Reviewed-by: Nick Desaulniers <ndesaulniers@xxxxxxxxxx>

Jessica, would you mind adding when applying:

Cc: <stable@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

as I suspect we might want this fixed in stable tree's branches, too.
It might of interest to add:



Sure, will do!

