Re: [PATCH] thermal: power allocator: Add control for non-power actor devices

From: Lukasz Luba
Date: Thu Jan 14 2021 - 06:27:39 EST

Hi Daniel,

Gentle ping.

On 1/5/21 7:01 PM, Lukasz Luba wrote:
The cooling devices which are used in IPA should provide power mapping
functions. The callback functions are used for power estimation and state
setting. When these functions are missing IPA ignores such cooling devices
and does not limit their performance. It could happen that the platform
configuration is missing these functions in example when the Energy Model
was not setup properly (missing DT entry 'dynamic-power-coefficient').

The patch adds basic control over these devices' performance. It
manages to throttle them to stay safe and not overheat. It also adds a
warning during the binding phase, so it can be captured during testing.

The patch covers also a corner case when all of the cooling devices are
non-power actors.

Signed-off-by: Lukasz Luba <lukasz.luba@xxxxxxx>
drivers/thermal/gov_power_allocator.c | 71 +++++++++++++++++++++++++--
1 file changed, 68 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

Could you have a look on the patch and if OK take it into
your tree, please?
If you missed it, I can resend. I'm still going through emails received
around my holidays.
