Re: Fair Pay: Some interesting observations of symboldevelopment..

From: Ywe Cærlyn
Date: Sat Dec 12 2020 - 06:59:50 EST

I have also included the sign for Adams giad on the mascot culture now:

Symbolizing perfectness of "Allah" (written right to left in arabic script), in the East, and SINO (left to right Latin script) perfect in the West.

Ywe Cærlyn

Den 12.12.2020 10:50, skrev Ywe Cærlyn:
No, SINO the only Giad it becomes.

Took the name one step further aswell - Axim X. "Alim" (written right to left in arabc script) means learned, and its a good name for an OS aswell. Showing learnedness, and an example of some words that change when written left to right in latin script it is, Axim X.

Ywe Cærlyn